Creative Technology | Technical Direction


LABS REEL - Marriage Counseling


LABs - Marriage Counseling

The Google assistant Marriage counselor was a demo I developed to show case a three way conversation and the use of “free speech” with google assistant. The concept for this project to have emotional conversations with a machine.

Free speech is not a feature for many reasons on the google assistant platform but I was able to hack this by 

To test the limits of a Google Action, MediaMonks Labs devised and developed a marriage counselor voice assistant. The Marriage Counselor works by listening to a couple’s unrestrained speech, and conducting a sentiment analysis to form a response. Unlike the regimented nature of current human-bot interactions, the Marriage Counselor explores a more natural kind of conversation. That’s why we built the assistant for a deeply human scenario involving rich and emotion-focused input between multiple parties. The prototype paves the way for brands to offer more meaningful and intelligent virtual assistants, such as for entertainment or customer service purposes.